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Get healthy and enjoy it. Kelsey Bryant.
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EP 9: The hardest part of losing weight REVEALED! How to start your diet plan and actually succeed


Losing weight is easy. But starting is hard. How to start a start your diet plan and actually succeed. We are going to get healthy and enjoy it! Weight Loss Program: If there’s something we all want to achieve, that would be having a healthy body. What stops you from achieving your health goals? […]



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kelsey bryant, lies to stop believing about your body

3 lies to stop believing about your body. Are you believing these lies about your body image? 3 ways the enemy is keeping you stuck and stopping you from achieving your health goals Are you the type of woman who is used to not believing in yourself? When it comes to having a healthy body, […]

best diet

In today’s episode, we will be talking about food. When people are trying to lose weight, they often get scared of eating but food is such a big part of a healthy lifestyle.  We have a lot of misconceptions about food and that dieting is the only answer to losing weight but that’s not true. […]

kelsey bryant stick to your health goals

How to stick to your health goals this year (for real this time!) So you’re starting a new fitness journey. You even got cute yoga pants and a new water jug to keep you motivated. Not only that, you have some audacious health goals! But, you may wonder, how can you stick to your health […]

Holiday season is lurking around the corner and I know a lot of you would agree if I say this is the craziest and busiest time of the year. Moms like us can definitely relate how staying healthy can be especially during the holiday season. But what if I told you that you can enjoy […]

When was the last time you felt balanced between family, work, and health? In this episode, I’m opening up about my personal journey of transformation and reliance on God’s guidance. I’ll share how prioritizing health and nourishing yourself spiritually can not only improve your well-being, it can also strengthen your faith like it did for […]

Are setbacks getting you down?  Well, get ready to turn those setbacks into comebacks! In this episode, I will show you how to overcome obstacles, keep moving forward in every area of your life, how to conquer challenges, and find strength in God’s grace. The best thing about this is that I’m going to discuss […]

overcome obstacles

Are you setting limits on what God can do in your life? Learn how overcoming obstacles with God can change everything. God wants you to be healthy. Do you believe it? Or are you partnering with unbelief and telling yourself, it’s for everyone but you? Sometimes we need truth bombs from a good Christian sister […]

stay on track with weight loss over the weekends

Does your weight loss mindset get derailed when the weekend rolls around? During the weekend, the change in routine can throw off your regular eating behaviors and leave you feeling unprepared and confused about what to eat. Do you find it difficult to stay on track with your weight loss goals because you’re not in […]

stay encouraged

Have you suffered an injury or setback, and feel like it’ll derail all the progress you’ve made while training? Is this new shift in your routine making you feel powerless, and like giving up? I know how frustrating injuries can be. I’ve had quite a few myself between playing sports and training.  So, let me […]

making time for the Lord

Creating a healthy life can be hard, but making time for the Lord is a must. As Christians, we can get busy doing good things, but creating a joyful and joy-filled life starts by spending time with Jesus every day. If you are pushing through your days, and not making time for the Lord and […]


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