It encourages growth physically, and
If you’re ready to align your body, soul and spirit, finally find a health plan that meets your lifestyle, and bring God into your health, then you’re in the right place!
Learning what the bible says about health and strengthening yourself physically is just the beginning. Our body is a temple, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, you will learn practical tips to keeping your body fueled and healthy so it can carry out its function.
Health is so much deeper then physical appearance. The soul consist of your mind, will, and emotions to name a few. I provide ways to keep your mental health in top shape too.
The Bible guides all areas of life, 2 Timothy 3:16. Having strong spiritual health and a deep relationship with Jesus directs you to a life serving God. Perfect alignment is where the Spirit leads and the soul and body align under his authority.
Learning what the bible says about health and strengthening yourself physically is just the beginning. Pursuing Jesus and finding His freedom in your health gives you confidence to step into who He calls you to be.
I want to encourage and support you to share your gifts and talents with the world, because the world needs more women who are strong in faith and Spirit.
My superpower is helping women become the best version of themselves while pursuing their God-given purpose. A life of abundant freedom, joy, and peace.
Ready to give it a try? True health?
Download my starter kit if you are: ready to pursue health from a biblical perspective. If it is it time to make real changes that stick? And if you want to have grace and give up striving?
Free workbook