My goal is to help you conquer your health,
feel confident and purposeful in your direction

My Process

Exercise physiologists study exercise, the changes in the body, and its effectiveness at all ages.

Studies show: you are never too old, or too out-of-shape to start. I have the knowledge and experience to help the one who thinks, "There is no hope for me."

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Today's science and Biblical principles

what I do

The field of exercise physiology studies human physical design and how the body reacts to exercise. Promoting health and wellness, preventing disease and illness, and restoring health through diet and exercise are the foundations of the field.

Combining science and biblical truth creates a manageable blueprint for long-lasting health. My approach adapts modern tools while exploring scriptural lessons. The Bible guides every area of life. I highlight the scriptural truth surrounding your health. 

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what I value

Building a foundation

Just as Jesus describes in Matthew 7: 24-27, a wise man builds a house on solid rock. You must build your foundation for a healthy lifestyle on proven concepts. Fad diets and quick results set you up for failure, much like a house built on sand. 

If you have tried before and failed it is because the program was not set up to sustain you. 

I focus on changing cornerstone habits and once established, your healthy lifestyle becomes achievable and maintainable. 

Aligning Body, Soul & Spirit

Pursuing Your Purpose

Getting healthy is just the start! You were made for so much more. You are called for great works, Ephesians 2:10. By joining this community you will find continued support and build on the momentum you've created.  

let's get to work→

Just as the Father is three parts in one (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), we are
body, soul, and spirit, 1 Th 5:23.

Proper alignment guides you to pursue health from the correct angles, outside your might and strength.

Since you were little, you have heard lies about your health. Society has equated a woman's weight to her worth. Food became a comfort and an enemy. Guilt and shame surround you, and the vicious cycle continues.  

God didn't intend for something as natural as eating and exercise to consume your thoughts and stifle your destiny. Pursuing a healthy lifestyle is a way to draw near to God and replace lies with the truth and replace chains with freedom, Hebrews 12: 1-11.

Life-giving freedom

Why I do it

"Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them."


Health is individual

I believe

You are busy, and I appreciate that. I teach sustainable ways to maintain your health. Fad diets and the idea of one type 'fits all' lifestyle hasn't worked in the past and it's not working now. Get a custom plan to help you reach your goals.

Jesus is the Answer

I believe

Somewhere along the way, women learned that their value is wrapped up in their appearance and their body. This is a lie!

You are valuable at any size. Don't choose health because you want to look a certain way. Choose health because your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and you can glorify God with good health.
1 Corinthians 6: 19-20.

At the beginning of my career, I worked at one of the top hospitals in the world. Every day, people would come in surprised at how their health deteriorated rapidly and without much warning. My job gave them hope and guidance.

There is an overwhelming number of coaches online who promise quick results. There are numerous "coaches" out there with a story and a certificate.

I'm here with experience and a degree. My program is one-of-a-kind because I focus on physical health and spiritual health. I believe Jesus can restore you to wholeness, and I combined the science of the ever-changing fitness industry with biblical traditions and a never-changing God. 


Kelsey Bryant

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Learn how to approach health in a way that fits your lifestyle. Stop saying, "I'll start tomorrow," tomorrow has arrived!

I'm ready!

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