Have you ever thought about your identity in Christ?
The longing to understand who I really am and what my purpose was in this world became so overwhelming to me a few years back. I was so overwhelmed with grief during this stage of life and I truly felt like I had lost everything. The world I had created and grown accustomed to had vanished and I felt alone. But, God didn’t leave me there.
God began to take me on the journey of finding my identity in Christ by strengthening my relationship with God like never before. If you don’t have a solid foundation and you are not confident in your identity, it’s easy to believe what others say about you.
In episode 16 Tammy Steward, LSW, explains how your thoughts become your belief system.
If you are not 100 percent sure who you are, you can easily believe what others say about you. You can find your worth and identity in your role as a mom, or in your career. And if you are not rooted in truth, you can let your feelings declare who you are and you commit to this emotional rollercoaster of being ok when things are good and being lost when things are bad.
Finding my identity in Christ
Finding my identity in Christ clarified my actions, my purpose, and my calling. I want this for you too! Finding my identity in Christ freed me from warped body image issues, a poor relationship with food, and comparison.
It emboldened me to do what I’m doing today, when I sit here, and I talk about Jesus with you and I share about my health journey, this is all because I am confident in my identity in Christ. I want to remind you that I am nothing special. Everything I can do, you can do it too, and depending on what gifting God’s given you, you can probably do greater things than I do.
I just kind of tell my story freely, to encourage you and to walk alongside you. And if it’s okay, today, I want to be vulnerable and share a part of my story with you, and especially surrounding identity because it truly was the catalyst in finding freedom and strengthening my dependency and my relationship with Jesus.
Revelation 12:11 says, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.” This means that we triumph over Satan when we share what Jesus has done in our lives.
After my move across the country, I realized my identity was in my job and when I struggled to find a new job, I began to feel worthless. I can see now the gift God gave me by withholding a job from me.
It was time for me to find Him and step into my God-given purpose and a job would deter me from the path He wanted me to follow.
God was showing me, that life is not about what you do, but it’s about who you are. Life is not about the mastery of skills and doing more.
Finding your identity in Christ
Understanding God sent His son, Jesus, to save your soul is just the beginning, John 3:16. Many Christians stop there and accept Jesus, but it’s not reflected in their life. Is that you?
It was me. I let Jesus save me, but I didn’t know how to live a life dedicated to Him. I understood Jesus saved me for eternity, but I questioned my current situation. I wondered, “what about right now?”
I was sitting at this point in my life, and I wanted so many things to be different. I just couldn’t believe that God wanted me for eternity but what was He going to do right now?
Did I just have to suffer and wait? I was lost, I was depressed, and I was lonely. I was everything that is far from Jesus. I was joyless.
I went searching for what it meant to be in Christ, John 1:12. Which lead me to Romans 8.
To me, Romans 8 shows a part of God’s heart toward His children (which includes you).
I want to encourage you to read and search for yourself. Getting rooted in truth and becoming confident in your identity, will guide you to clarity in your actions, purpose, and calling. My goal is to help you embrace your identity with Christ by sharing my own experiences and the things I’ve learned along the way.
Let’s do this, friend!
Check out the goals workshop here: www.kelsey-bryant.com/goalsworkshop
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The information contained herein is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not, and in no way should, be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical, mental health, health care or nutritional advice. Such information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counselor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read in our materials.
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