EP 13: Got health goals? How to communicate them to your family and friends so you can achieve your fitness goals with ease.

July 29, 2022

Filed in: Podcast

Kelsey Bryant, how to communicate your health goals to family

Setting goals for your health journey will give you a long-term vision and motivation. Aligning your health goals with God, will not only serve you in the specific area you’re working on, but it will also benefit other areas of your life.

This is the second episode in my goal-setting series. Episode 12 “How to Set God-centered goals in three easy steps” will teach you how to connect with God and set intentional goals to benefit your life and His plan. 

Communication is a key component of achieving goals and clear communication increases your chance for follow-through. In this episode, I’ll be sharing how you can communicate your goals with others. 

Letting the ones closest to you know the goals you have for yourself, will allow them to support you. It’ll also set the right expectations for everyone and help your family to be on the same page. 

Goal setting is Biblical

Proverbs 21:5, “The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty.”

Please don’t set your goals and ask God to bless them. Setting your health goals with God first will lead to greater and quicker results. 

God may give you goals on a larger scale and show you where He wants you to end up, or He may just give you direction for your next step and you may be unsure of where you are headed. Both require detailed planning and obedience. 

God does care about everything that we do. So we want to make sure that he is involved. And he is involved with the planning and all of the action steps.

Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Just because you feel your goal is important doesn’t mean that everyone around you will put the same value on it. I want to help you walk through how to communicate goals to your family, friends, loved ones, and coworkers. Make sure you are really clear on your goal and then execute this strategy. 

Get clear on your health goal

First, create your detailed plan, and then make sure you’re communicating it to all the people that it will affect. This could be spouses and family members, roommates, friends, or anyone it will affect. Let them know that you’ve planned this goal so they can support you, and so they can understand and prepare for any changes in their lives. If they are prepared they are more likely to support your changes. Clear communication limits questions.

Clear communication

If your goal is to lose weight, you should communicate to your family that nightly dinners may change. There might be new vegetables, or more vegetables. Clearly say, “there’s going to be less takeout, there’s going to be less fried food, we’re going to try new vegetables, new fruits, we’re going to construct our plates a little differently.”  Communicate to everyone involved, even the little ones will benefit too because they’ll see the changes coming, and won’t be surprised.

If all of a sudden dinner looks different, your family could retaliate, which is gonna give you a lot of pushback and not help you stay strong in your goals. So, you want to clearly communicate any of the goals so you can be supported by your loved ones. 

If you’re changing the way dinner looks, it’s ultimately going to benefit the whole family. Continue to keep clear communication. Explain your goals again and explain why dinner looks different. 

Ask your family to join you or support you

Ask your family just to give it a try, continue to remind the kids, and continue to put the vegetables in front of them.

Do not allow poor alternatives, if they’re hungry enough, they’re going to eat the vegetables. You can eat healthily and it can be just as tasty as not eating healthy. Keep offering it to your children. 

If you prepare healthy and tasty food, then your family and friends will start to show you support and encouragement because your goal helps them feel better too. If dinners change because of your weight loss goal, your family will start to feel better too which increases their support for your goal. 

Continue to remind your family

Communicate what you will be doing and what you need from your loved ones. You might not want to continue to remind them, but this helps you set strong boundaries and prove this goal is important to you. 

Include your kids, and if there is pushback from the kids, gently remind them why there are new vegetables on their plate.

You can say, “Remember, mommy’s working on getting healthy and strong, and peas help me achieve that goal. If you are working on being healthy and strong too, why don’t you try the peas.”

Stay focused on your goal. Philippians 3:13, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.”

If you are feeling stuck, please check out my goal-setting workshop. I have set up many training videos along with PDFs for you to work through. So, if you’re feeling like you’ve had these great visions, but you’re ready to move toward a goal, putting action behind your dreams, then this is for you. You’re going to dive into all of your goals and then you’re going to work on narrowing them down. 

You will pick the goals that are going to serve you the most. By selecting a few goals that have big impact, the blessings from these few goals will bleed into all different areas of life.

Here is the link to check out my goals workshop, I can’t wait to have you there. 


  • Ask
  • Receive
  • Create a detailed plan
  • Take action with obedience 
  • Get clear on your goal,
  • Let those around you know your goal for support and so they can prepare if their life will change

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