EP 32: Getting fit after pregnancy – part 6 – dropping the pounds that won’t budge

January 2, 2023

Filed in: Podcast

lose the baby weight

Is it time to lose the baby weight?

Are you at least 2 years postpartum, and want to focus on your health?

Or, are you 7 or 8 years out, and still struggling with losing the baby weight?

Listen, mama, if there’s anything I want you to take away from this postpartum series is that this stage of life looks different for everybody, and every BODY. 

Lose the baby weight once and for all

If you’re just feeling stuck in your health goals and that things aren’t really working for you- this episode is for you!

Welcome to episode 32 of Fit Christian Woman! In this final episode of our 6 part postpartum series, I want to start by encouraging you to remember that health is not an all-or-nothing mindset. And, that we need to find health in every stage of life, in every aspect, and in any way we can.

Alignment of body, soul, and spirit

This is why I teach my alignment principle where the Spirit leads and the soul and the body follow.  To find that alignment, I give you practical advice on mindset, scheduling, and my free goal-setting resource: Let’s Get Started!

If you feel like it’s time to move, lose that baby weight, or if it’s just time to get healthy now that your kids are 6, 8, or 10 years old-  I want to help you to find the healthiest version of yourself! And, I’m with you every step of the way! 

Let’s do this!


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Email: hello@kelsey-bryant.com

The information contained herein is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not, and in no way should, be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical, mental health, health care or nutritional advice. Such information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counselor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read in our materials.

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